On Saturday 23rd July I had quite a busy day accompanying the Mayor of Beverley to a couple of events.
First we were lucky to be invited to attend the Police Open Day at Melton, near North Ferriby. We chatted to a number of officers about their work including firearms officers. These highly trained officers showed us a collection of guns, some real, some replica, some illicit which had come into their possession over the years.
After the Police Open Day we were lucky to attend the Snaith Civic Service and a lunch afterwards. We learned a lot about Snaith, which was once a very important medieval centre for church administration and an RAF base during the Second World War. The link to the RAF was apparent with several former and serving officers present at the service.
Snaith Priory itself is something of a gem; one of the oldest churches in the region with Saxon remnants remaining here and there. There is some good stained glass too; most of it Victorian but some fragments surviving from the middle ages.
Overall the Mayor and Myself returned to Beverley much the wiser about the small but attractive town of Snaith and its people.