Anti-social behaviour on pedestrian railway bridge near Flemingate

Pedestrian footbridge over railway near Flemingate

A few people have contacted me about the disgraceful behaviour of a small minority on the pedestrian footbridge over the railway line near Flemingate and Friars Walk.

It seems that in some cases the bridge is being used as a public toilet. This is obviously bad for the people in nearby housing and those who regularly use the bridge.

Graffiti defaced the bridge

I have raised this via councillors Healy and Johnson on East Riding of Yorkshire Council and we did get a response from the council’s anti social behaviour officers.

It seems that an officer of the council did inspect the bridge in early August and found no evidence of the anti social behaviour, though the council has entered into a dialogue with Network Rail about the bridge and how to prevent future recurrences of the said behaviour.

I will post any new developments to this page.

Labour Parish Councillor for Beverley Minster South resigns suddenly leaving local voters unrepresented

The elected Labour councillor for Beverley Minster South made an accusation, deemed to be unfounded, at a recent Beverley Town Council video meeting and was asked to leave the meeting. Soon afterwards she abruptly resigned from the council and left her voters unrepresented in the planning and management of town affairs.

This sudden resignation necessitated that in Beverley Minster South a local by-election would likely need to be called, which is a time consuming and expensive event for the town council, especially while councillors work hard to help the town recover from the COVID pandemic. In order for there to be an election there needs to be ten people, resident in the ward, who want a by-election. Ironically local Labour Party members feature in the list of twelve people who have petitioned for the by-election, which the resignation of their councillor has brought about!

The Liberal Democrats intend to put up a candidate – Graham Johnson – for the ward by-election and local residents can rest assured that if they elect Graham they will not suddenly be left without representation. They will get a hard working councillor who puts their needs first.